
Phillips ZOOM

Teeth whitening from Philips Zoom will give you confidence to do what you do best: shine.

Teeth are noticeably whiter after a single visit

Phillips ZOOM

Clinically proven to whiten teeth by up to 8 shades in 45 minutes.

Teeth whitening procedures at our practice are carried out by specialist dental practitioners. This involves using gels with a higher concentration than you can achieve at home. The result is more intensive and the procedure can be over and done with in 90 minutes. Philips Zoom products have been specially developed in accordance with the highest quality standards for bleaching and are clinically validated. All Philips Zoom products are proven not to damage teeth and gums.

Gentle and effective

Phillips ZOOM

Philips Zoom technology with blue LED light and gel brightens your teeth in an instant, while the amorphous calcium phosphate (ACP) protects your enamel, improves shine and reduces sensitivity.

The effect of the whitening gel is enhanced by a specially developed lamp with a blue LED light.

The Philips Zoom lamp makes it possible to remove discolouration effectively, despite the application time being shorter than a comparable treatment without a light.

What does the blue LED light do?

Phillips ZOOM

The specially developed blue LED light provides maximum support for the whitening agent as it “removes colour” from colour molecules, allowing your most beautiful smile to shine through.

The colour molecules are more strongly activated and can react faster with the Zoom gel thanks to the special wavelength used in the Zoom LED light.

Clinical studies have proven that the Philips Zoom method is both effective and sustainable. Even after 30 days teeth appear 42% whiter than after a teeth whitening procedure without a lamp.

Results can be maintained for 1 to 3 years provided you clean your teeth carefully.

Make an appointment for a consultation!

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