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Using artificial dentures

Everyone wants beautiful and white teeth. We empathise with our patients who lose a tooth. After all, it’s not only the health aspect that makes tooth loss so difficult. The impact that tooth loss can have on patient’s quality of life and self-confidence often outweighs that of acute pain. Our implant treatments will help you to regain your smile.


High-quality dentures give you that joie de vivre

Good advice is essential when you are missing teeth, looking to replace an existing bridge or looking to replace an entire row of teeth. Dr. Astrid Baumstieger and Colleagues in Kronberg has the expertise to provide you with the advice you need. We offer a wide range of implants – which will be cared for well, for the rest of your life.

Say goodbye to those gaps between teeth – implants for replacing individual teeth

Say goodbye to those gaps between teeth – implants for replacing individual teeth

Experience has taught us that the best way to replace a tooth is to get a (ceramic) implant. They feel like a normal tooth when you're chewing food, and you won't be able to tell the difference between that and a natural tooth. This is why they are the ideal way to replace individual teeth.

Elderly patients at the dentist

Implants for improving the way dentures fit

Patients with dentures may experience issues with the fit. Implants help to achieve a better fit. Implants usually make it possible for you to live your life without having a conventional “set of teeth”. Having plastic or metal in your mouth is now a thing of the past. You can chew with confidence, bite heartily into an apple or simply smile.

The seven advantages of implants in 30 seconds


An implant comes closest to replacing the natural tooth: visually (it looks “real”) as well as functionally (implants give you a strong “bite”).


Implants almost always make chewing easier.


It won’t change the way you speak. If you already have dentures, you may even notice that an implant improves your speech.


A healthy set of teeth goes hand in hand with a stable jaw. Implants will prevent the jawbone from receding.


Fitting implants will leave the neighbouring teeth intact.


Caries cannot form on an implant


Implants can be used to stabilise removable dentures (artificial tooth roots); making it possible to have a firmly anchored bridge again

High-tech with heart for biological implantology:


Biological implantology

Dr. Astrid Baumsteiger and Colleagues in Kronberg work holistically. In light of this, we have scoured far and wide for the best and most compatible materials and can recommend Swiss Dental Solutions (SDS)’s ceramic implants as the best implant solution. They are an excellent alternative to the frequently used titanium implants, which can lead to intolerances as well as put strain on the body with metals. In terms of aesthetics, ceramic implants are also miles ahead of titanium implants. Indeed, the grey colour of the latter implant often shines through. All-ceramic dentures are much more inconspicuous, even if your gums recede a little. Read the 6 most important reasons for getting ceramic implants


Biological dentistry – a holistic approach

The SWISS BIOHEALTH CONCEPT is a holistic, bio-immunological concept that focuses on patient health.


Shorter treatment time thanks gentle and immediate implantation

In most cases, this innovative treatment concept makes it possible to fix implants immediately after extraction. Fast, gentle and usually without the need to build up bones or administer antibiotics.


Aesthetics – No dark edges

You do not need to worry about horrible grey edges at the edge of your gum line or about grey showing through thanks to the natural tooth colour of SDS ceramic implants. This also applies to extremely thin or receding gums.


Completely metal-free – ceramics are healthier

The use of metals in the oral cavity can have a negative impact on the entire body. As ceramics are a body-friendly material, the implants from Swiss Dental Solutions are excellently tolerated and 100% biocompatible.


Tried and tested ten thousand times over – a good experience

Today, SDS Swiss Dental Solutions is considered to be the leading innovator in the field of ceramic implants. More than 20,000 fixed ceramic implants serve as testament to their outstanding success as a treatment option and to their suitability as a dental solution.


Virtually no pain

The key is strengthening the immune system and activating the body’s natural process of healing bones as a means of avoiding side effects and negative concomitants.

When there is not enough bone for an implant*

The structure of the jawbone

Even the best implants need enough space to be anchored stably to the jawbone. We use a proven surgical procedure to build up the bone so that an implant can be fixed to the jawbone.

The more jawbone there is and the denser it is, the greater the chances of success will be for implantation. An implant should be surrounded by at least one millimetre – preferably two millimetres – of bone substance if it is to heal properly.

We determine the volume and density of the jawbone very precisely as part of the preliminary examination. The anatomical status of the oral cavity is accurately documented using the latest x-ray technology or digital volume tomography (DVT). Accurate measurements will be taken for the jaw, bone density, course of the roots, blood vessels and soft tissue. These digital data sets will provide the best conditions for 3D implant planning.

The best material for your body

Your dentist can harvest bone from the neighbouring jaw regions (upper and lower mandibular ridge or chin), if smaller amounts are needed, to construct the jawbone. You will normally be an outpatient treated with a local anaesthetic for this procedure.

Getting the job done gently – using bone replacement material instead of bone harvesting

We usually use bone substitute material for bone augmentation, as this eliminates the need to remove bone from another part of the body. We use state-of-the-art materials that are very similar to the composition of human bones. They are made from animal bones, algae and coral, among other things, or have are synthetic. As your holistic dentists, we will test materials to check whether they are right for you, and make sure that they are exceptionally well tolerated by patients.

Cf. Gesellschaft für Zahngesundheit

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Akkreditierte Lehrpraxis LZKH
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