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Prophylaxis and prevention

All parents want their children to be healthy. That is why children should learn how to properly care for their teeth from a young age. Medical research confirms what experienced dentists have always known: You look after your children’s health by looking after their dental health! It is important to have a specially designed strategy for healthy teeth. This includes:

Prophylaxis and prevention

Cleaning teeth regularly (At least twice a day)

A healthy diet

Regular professional teeth cleaning (prophylaxis) at the dentist

Dr. Astrid Baumstieger’s tried-and-tested care programme.

Cleaning your teeth properly!

Cleaning your teeth properly!

Put an effective stop to caries and gum disease by having your teeth cleaned by a professional on a regular basis. Take advantage of our expertise! We have provided thousands of children with useful tips on having the correct diet for maintaining healthy teeth, and give them the right dental care products to help them do this.

We will show your children how to care for their teeth properly. In a lively and child-friendly way. We work together with your children to teach them the correct way to clean their teeth. Then we will give their teeth a full professional clean.

This is the basis for lifelong dental health.

Good to know: statutory insurance providers will bear the costs for two professional cleaning treatments per year for children aged between 6 and 18 years, which also includes a talk on how to clean teeth properly.

Make an appointment for a consultation!

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Focus Siegel 2017 - 2024
Akkreditierte Lehrpraxis LZKH
Siegel Qualitätsmanagementsystem
© 2025 Dr. Baumstieger & Kollegen